Why choose RATMO as your digital rodent control solution? Benefits are many and include increasing protection of your premises, cost saving, sustainability issues and collection of statistical data.

RATMO, developed by Arctic System, have some awesome features that make the product a leading solution for digital pest control.

Increase protection

  • 24/7 monitoring of rodents at your premises.
  • Be proactive and take preventive actions.

Save Cost

Save money
  • Save time, no more service visits to empty traps.
  • Efficient staff management.
  • Early rodent activity detection, so that the damage is minimized


  • Go Green – Support the increasing health, hygiene and environmental focus
  • Avoid secondary poisoning (people, birds and animals)
  • Reduce pesticides in our eco-system
  • Act responsible

FACTS - NO more fiction

Why RATMO? Fact based reporting system
  • Collect data with IBM WATSON and learn about the rodents you deal with
  • Fact based reporting.
  • Spot trends and make predictions about rodent activity
  • Statistical analysis and consolidated data

Why RATMO? Infographic

Why RATMO? Info graphic